
Vogt Asset Management AG

Lumen Vietnam Fund: Enter the Dragon - Outlook for 2021 and beyond

We are pleased to share you the presentation of our successful second webinar with the topic
 “Lumen Vietnam Fund: Enter the Dragon - Outlook for 2021 and beyond"
from 27th. October 2020 and the latest factsheet showing an October performance of +4.03 and YTD of 6.53% as of 27th. October.
For more insights find a link to our Vietnam blog showing news and updates on Vietnam as an attractive investment destination.
We are always available for a virtual or physical meeting to provide you more insight in our portfolio.
Many thanks for your continued support & interest.
Mario Timpanaro
Vogt Asset Management AG
Gagoz 73
Postfach 140
LI-9496 Balzers
Vietnam-Blog: http://www.vam.li/media/vietnam-blog/
+423 388 07 30 Direct
+423 788 00 66 Mobile
