Diamond Capital – Passion for Perfection
Diamond Capital Management (Switzerland) Ltd.
Diamond Capital Management (Switzerland) Ltd, formerly named Nutrimenta Finance & Investments Ltd., is a well-established Swiss independent asset management boutique founded in 1972. The company was created to manage the principals’ family wealth, and today specializes in providing financial services to high net worth families around the globe.
Our professional team has a vast experience in global markets and is dedicated to preserving and enhancing our clients’ wealth. The company is authorized by FINMA as an asset manager for collective investment schemes, and is a member of the Association Suisse de Gerants de Fortune (ASG), which is the leading regulatory body for independent asset managers in Switzerland.
We have a dedicated team who provide a wide variety of services including tailored portfolio management. We focus on liquid investments and have developed an in-house expertise in alternative investments, especially RE backed lending in the US and UK, and selecting single Hedge Funds.

Folgende Produktkategorien werden angeboten
- Alternative Credit
- Bond Single Currency
- Hedge Fund (Single Manager)
- High Yield
- Private Debt
- Real Estate
- Total Return / Absolute Return
Banyan China Fund (Long-Short Equity) - Factsheet
Tower Global High Yield Bond Fund - Factsheet
Tower Investment Grade Bond Fund - Factsheet
- AI 2017 – International Fund Awards for Best Asian HY Bond Fund (5 years): Angsana Bond Fund
- Creditflux - Manager Awards Finalist 2018: Best UCITS credit Fund: Angsana Bond Fund
Verwaltetes Vermögen
Rue Guillaume-Tell 10
1211 Genf